Thursday, September 27, 2007

Green Marketing Ideas

Being self-employed can be tough. How do you get clients and keep them? If you do a great job and exceed the clients expectations then you got a client for life.....but how do we get them in the first place?? How do you position yourself in your market? First, they need to know you exist. Blogging, and social networks like Facebook can help. But good old fashioned marketing still works. I have a customer who wanted more clients and more work. She had just completed her marketing tools such as post-it-notes with her contact information, business cards with her new logo, stationary, etc. She decided she would put together little gift bags of her materials along with a bar of handcrafted soap and a soy candle tin. She used my environmentally friendly gift bags made from wildgrass and gave these to the paralegals in firms she wished to do business with. This creative marketing campaign won her 4 new clients and 15 new depositions! Needless to say, she is swamped. She is the poster child for creative marketing in my book.

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Art of Gifting

Everyone loves to give gifts as well as receive them. There are so many occasions to give gifts such as Birthdays, Mother's Day, Father's Day, and Christmas. These are all the obvious ones of course that first comes to mind. How about thank you gifts? Most folks will write or email words of thanks. But how about going that extra mile and sending someone an unexpected gift. Doesn't need to be expensive, just a token of thanks. What impact do you have on that person? First, they will be overjoyed at the thoughtfulness of your gift, but they will remember you.......for a long time. Especially if this person you just gifted was a client. Perhaps a Real Estate Client that you are trying to secure, or another professional trying to secure a new client or thanking them for their business People love gifts! I see it all the time. People buy gifts as a Thank You every day. What would you rather have? An email or handwritten card stating "Thank you very much" or a handwritten card with a small token gift?